Inside Janet Yellen’s Brain at 4 a.m …

No Return to Sanity
GUALFIN, Argentina – Poor Janet Yellen. Usually, we reserve our pity for the poor, the downtrodden, and the hopeless. But today, we spare a thought for the clueless… and feel Yellen’s pain. Markets are tense. Investors seem to be holding their breath. Everyone is waiting to see what the Fed will do.
There must be hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of well-educated adults sitting on the edges of their seats… eager to hear what this rather ordinary functionary will say.
Will Janet Yellen proudly put the Fed on the side of the angels, announcing that she and her crew have decided to move the Fed’s key interest rate to a more normal level… regardless of how much it costs the cronies?
Will she admit that the Fed’s ZIRP and its three QE programs have been failures? Or that they have shifted trillions of dollars toward the rich while leaving Main Street poorer? Will she beg forgiveness for such errant policy decisions over such a long time and vow publicly never to interfere with the market again? No, she won’t.
She will say the outlook is favorable – generally, clearing skies and fair weather is in the forecast. But there are some clouds forming out to the east that could lead to stormy weather. So she will urge a cautious return to normalcy.
She may be feeling confident and allow for a small rate increase… or she may be feeling fearful and decide to hold off for a while. We don’t know. And it probably doesn’t matter much.

This post was published at Acting-Man on September 16, 2015.