Backfire: CNN Tries, and Fails to Ambush Donald Trump With Vaccine Autism Question

21st Century Wire says…
This was a perfect example of a major network, like CNN, who’s very existence depends on advertising dollars from major pharmaceutical companies, using the presidential debate platform to try and run corporate propaganda for themselves – at the public’s expense.
Networks like CNN complete the final stage in marketing these products companies to the public, but this latest stunt – using a Presidential debate to try to discredit anyone critical of the damage being done by the industry – is beyond the pale. Can they stoop any lower?
CNN media operative Jake Tapper tried in vane to first discredit Donald Trump, and then tried to play Trump, Ben Carson and Rand Paul against each other. Tapper failed miserably.
After the debate, CNN went into rear guard action, rushing to get their resident Big Pharma salesman and vaccine shill, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, in front of the camera, as the Gupta and Anderson Cooper proceeded to make the repeated claim that, ‘There is no evidence linking vaccines to autism,’which is a not a true statement. One only has to look at theCDC’s bloated vaccine schedule for infants and then see how much money Big Pharma is plowing into federal lobbying to see exactly how corrupt this equation has become.

This post was published at 21st Century Wire on SEPTEMBER 19, 2015.