Jail. Now.

The byline on this article is misleading — probably because of where it’s published.
Salim Yusuf says new evidence fails to support many major diet recommendations.
There is no such “new evidence.”
Yusuf presented evidence that many of the most significant and impactful nutrition recommendations regarding dietary fats, salt, carbohydrates, and even vegetables are not supported by evidence.
There was never evidence to support those “recommendations”; there was industry gaming, there was outright fraud (the “7 nations study”) and there was and still is lobbying by various organizations.
The results from PURE will likely add fuel to the ongoing fiery debate over carbohydrates and fats. Yusuf displayed data showing that the incidence of cardiovascular disease in the PURE population increases as carbohydrate intake (as a percentage of total calories) rises.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2017-03-04.