How The Deplorables Can Save America

In my last article, The Deplorables ‘ Who We Are And What We Want, I examined the basic philosophies that define what I call the liberty movement; the same group of Americans that Hillary Clinton admonishes as part of her basket of deplorables.
It is important to recognize that only foolish progressives actually take Clintons claims at face value. Clinton seeks to characterize a large subset of conservatives as narrow minded when she mentions the deplorables. But, it is how she defines narrow minded that is the crux of the thing.
When people like her talk about racists, they are referring to conservatives who want a secure southern border. When they talk about Islamaphobes, they are referring to people who want to stop Islamic refugees from being bused into the country without being vetted or philosophically and morally acclimated to our way of life. When they talk about sexists, they are usually referring to all males in general, because remember, social justice warriors (SJWs) claim that we are subconsciously sexist, even if we think we are fair to women. When they talk about homophobes, they are referring to Christian bakers who do not want to participate in services for gay weddings despite the fact that they should be perfectly free to refuse association with anyone at any time for any reason.
What Clinton and social justice lunatics are really referring to when they use these attacks are those people who want to be free to think and do as they see fit as long as they are not violating the constitutional rights of others. No one in Hillarys basket is actually narrow minded, but she and her cronies pigeonhole them as narrow minded anyway.

This post was published at Alt-Market on Wednesday, 28 September 2016.