Where Are Articles of Impeachment?

Against them all.
The State Legislatures.
The judges.
All of them.
I have written many times about the revolving door problem in our prisons. There’s a basic principle in our justice system that once you serve your time you’ve paid your debt to society. This is how it should be, and it should apply across the board. Yes, that means that when you get out and probation is done, it’s done.
No more firearms restrictions, no more anything.
Because it focuses the mind, that’s why. Specifically, it focuses the mind of judges and parole boards on whether or not the person convicted remains a risk to society.
If you can’t keep playing post-hoc games then you must evaluate the risk up front and when you’re wrong it’s blatantly obvious why and who’s to blame. That in turn means that the public and should rise and demand that the person(s) responsible be held accountable — fired without pensions or even prosecuted if a negligence charge can be sustained.

This post was published at Market-Ticker on 2016-06-13.