Trump Unbound

Even by The Donald’s standards his 95 minute long interview with the Washington Post was remarkable. He let loose so many stray shots as to leave the establishment press clucking in a chorus of disbelief. It undoubtedly started with the stink bomb he lobbied at the ‘ all is awesome’ meme about the US economy and stock market:
Donald Trump said in an interview that economic conditions are so perilous that the country is headed for a ‘very massive recession’ and that ‘it’s a terrible time right now’ to invest in the stock market, embracing a distinctly gloomy view of the economy that counters mainstream economic forecasts.
The New York billionaire dismissed concern that his comments – which are exceedingly unusual, if not unprecedented, for a major party front-runner – could potentially affect financial markets.
Now there’s an irony. Presumably the last paragraph was written by Bob Woodward who was once the bte noir of the Washington/Wall Street establishment. But like nearly everyone else in the Imperial City he has been drinking the Cool-Aid for so many decades that he was apparently shocked by Trump’s unfiltered bit of truth-telling about an economy that is failing 90% of the American public.
Worse still, Woodward was apparently dumbfounded that Trump didn’t self-censor his thoughts about the economic troubles ahead for fear of unsettling the Wall Street casino.

This post was published at David Stockmans Contra Corner on April 4, 2016.