The Death of Western Human Rights

We used to live in ‘democracies’, meaning that once upon a time we voted-in governments who at least attempted to represent the People whom they supposedly serve. In the United States, the death of that democracy dates back at least a century.
We know this to be true, because we have an historical source (Charles Lindbergh Sr.), a two-term Congressman and career prosecutor who wrote about the endemic/systemic corruption of the U. S.’s former democracy which already existed a hundred years ago. The time-frame for the death of other Western democracies is more ambiguous. However, clearly today, there are no democracies anywhere in the supposedly ‘free’ Western world – with the apparent exception of tiny Iceland.
We know that this is our current reality, because we have the empirical evidence to prove that our governments have ceased to serve the People. Instead, they exclusively serve the interests of those at the top of the wealth ladder. For virtually the last half-century; the wealthy (and especially the Ultra Wealthy) have grown richer at a pace never before seen in history.
For the first time in history, merely the richest 1% of humanity now holds more wealth than the other 99% of humanity, combined. This monstrous inequity was produced not merely through fattening the wealthy, in a relentlessly obscene manner. Equally, this despicable injustice has been achieved through robbing the People of their wealth. While the standard of living of the Fat Cats has soared higher in a near-vertical line, the standard of living of the Little People has been plummeting almost as fast.
What do our Traitor Governments tell us, when presented with the facts concerning this monstrous theft of our wealth? They (and their mouthpieces in the Corporate media) tell us that this is ‘the New Normal’. According to our corrupt leaders, and the propaganda machine which reinforces all their lies, this is how the world is (now) supposed to devolve.

This post was published at BullionBullsCanada on 25 April 2016.