Obama’s Sends $1.3 Billion To His Favorite Terrorist – – -General al-Sisi Then Brutally Attacks All Domestic Opponents

Like a stopped clock, even rabid neoconservatives can be right once in a while. A good case in point is a recent open letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, signed by such neocon luminaries as Robert Kagan, Elliott Abrams, Reuel Gerecht and Ellen Bork, calling on the Obama administration to ‘press the Government of Egypt to end its campaign of indiscriminate repression in order to advance a more effective strategy for countering violent extremism.’
The Obama administration, which helped blow up Libya and Syria in the name of human rights, has resumed arms shipments to the military regime of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, which seized power from a democratically elected government in 2013. Washington’s double standard not only undercuts U. S. credibility internationally, it also jeopardizes important security interests in the region.
As the letter from the ‘Bipartisan Working Group on Egypt’ rightly warns, ‘State violence – several thousand killed during street demonstrations, tens of thousands of political prisoners, hundreds of documented cases of torture or forced disappearance, sexual assault of detainees or family members, reported collective punishment of Sinai communities possibly with weapons provided through U. S. military aid – is creating more incentives for Egyptians to join militant groups.’

This post was published at David Stockmans Contra Corner on July 30, 2015.