“We Have Come To The End Of The Road” – Greece Prepares For Default, FT Reports

It’s getting serious for the academic hacks who meet every two months in Basel to drink $5000 bottles of wine and regale each other with their stupidity, most of whom have never held a job outside of academia, and for whom the only solution to the second great global depression is simply to buy assets and specifically stocks in a bid to restore confidence, oblivious that everyone now understands that the greater the central bank intervention, the greater the confidence destruction.
So serious, in fact, that the Fed is now on the defensive not only from tinfoil bloggers who said QE would ultimately lead to war, revolution, and global catastrophe, but
very serious people who say QE will “Permanently Impair Living Standards For Generations To Come“ other very serious people who are asking whether “was QE worth it?“ even more serious people (and self-made billionaires) who observe that the Fed is “Destroying the Value Of Money” And “Uprooting The Basic Stability Of Society“ other billionaires who note that “It’s Tempting To Invest, But This Will End Very Badly“ its supervsiors who accurately point out that “The Solution To Bubbles Is Not More Bubbles, It Is Avoiding Bubbles In The First Place“ and of course, Paul Tudor Jones who repeated what we said 6 years previously when he said that the“Disastrous Market Mania” Will End In “Revolution, Taxes, Or War“ In fact, the only people who defend the Fed now are socialists who believe in Magic Money Trees, other career academics, E-trade babies who believe that BTFD and BTFATH is what investing is about, and of course, various sycophants and drama majors posing as financial journalists.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to cover up his criminal actions and exonerate his genocidal stupidity which willresult in global conflict, revolution and/or war, the man responsible for the final Fed Bubble, Ben Bernanke, has taken on blogging.
Luckily there are many who have taken him to task, including the man who first compared Fed policy to eating jelly donuts, David Einhorn, and who during last week’s Grant’s Invesstment Conference, had this to say about the most disturbing thing written recently by Bernanke:

This post was published at Zero Hedge on 04/13/2015.