The Ostriches Of Wall Street – -Denying The Debt Disaster Ahead

May 5, 2016
Warren Buffett told people last weekend at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting that America doesn’t need to be great again because it is already great.
He is 100% wrong. Maybe someone has been spiking Mr. Buffett’s cherry cokes!
Such empty platitudes are exactly the type of nonsense that will lead us over the cliff unless our political and business leaders wake up and stop borrowing us into oblivion.
Underneath the bullish blather of the past several months, bearish fundamentals haven’t changed at all. We are crushed by unsustainable debt on all fronts – corporate, national and global – and the dimensions of this crisis are so overwhelming that Wall Street and the mainstream financial press ignore or dismiss it because it contradicts the phony stability narrative they desperately try to promote. Those who ignore what is going on do so at their own peril. The world is literally borrowing itself to death.
And believe me – Mr. Buffett knows the truth.
Today, I want to give you a comprehensive picture of the debt bubble the world is in – and show you exactly how deep we’re buried, and how far we’re going to have to dig to get out.
Brace yourself: This rabbit hole is deep.
‘But I do see a few ways to make money despite the coming storm.”

This post was published at David Stockmans Contra Corner By Michael Lewitt SureMoney /.