The FOMC Has Lost All Credibility………. Because It Is Completely Lost

June was the for-sure liftoff point early in the year. That followed last year’s for-sure exit as March, April at the latest. Now more than a halfway through 2015 September is increasingly in doubt. They have to start somewhere even if they claim a methodical and slow pace to ensure as little disruption (in their twisted view). As I wrote yesterday, ”Intend to move slowly’ gets slower with each ‘dollar’ wave and that is the relevant motion of policy and economy quite against all the continued propaganda.
The first reaction from the Wall Street Journal is telling in that regard:
The Federal Reserve’s next policy meeting is four weeks away and officials show no clear sign of having settled on a decision about whether to raise short-term interest rates at that time.
That cannot be in light of all the certainty with which the recovery was given and not all that long ago. Last year was 5% GDP and full employment while this year stands as the gaining drip of ‘downside risks.’ At the very least, it shows the FOMC knows nothing when it comes to this economy (and any other).
Several of these participants cited evidence that the response of inflation to the elimination of resource slack might be attenuated and expressed concern about risks of further downward pressure on inflation from international developments. Another concern related to the risk of premature policy tightening was the limited ability of monetary policy to offset downside shocks to inflation and economic activity when the federal funds rate was near its effective lower bound.

This post was published at David Stockmans Contra Corner by Jeffrey P. Snider ‘ August 19, 2015.