Gregory Mannarino-The Bull Market is Over

The following video was published by Greg Hunter on Jun 9, 2015
Last week, Gregory Mannarino of said the stock market had topped, and it has nowhere to go but down. Why? Mannarino says Dow Transports need to be rising in order to sustain a rising stock market. With all the gains of 2015 now wiped out, Mannarino says, ‘You would expect the Dow Transports to be rising with the equity markets or stock market. We are not seeing that at all. There is an absolute disconnect here. . . . The Dow Transports have begun a clear leg down, and unless something dramatic happens to bring the Transports back up, this bull market is over.’
How has Wall Street kept the game going on so long? Mannarino says, ‘The corruption is so extreme with metal manipulation, currency manipulation and banks that continue to be brought up on charges, and no one goes to jail. . . . It’s unbelievable fraud to such an extreme it is frightening. The entire system is built on trust that the system will work, and the banks are well aware of this and are exploiting it. This is why no bankers are brought up on charges. This is why no one gets handcuffed and no one gets arrested because it would shake the very foundation of the financial system. It is built simply on a trust mechanism. So, the bankers can rig everything, and they are, and they will not get in trouble for it.’