The Clinton Syndrome: The Establishment’s Weapon for National Conquest (Part 1)

IRD is pleased to present the next Stewart Dougherty guest post. In this analysis, SD defines and analyzes a phenomenon that most of us find thoroughly confounding: how can anyone with two brain cells possibly vote for Hillary Clinton?
‘There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.’ – John Adams, 2nd President of the United States of America
The 2016 United States presidential race was never intended to be an election. Rather, it has been psychologically engineered from the beginning to be a for-profit overthrow of America by an increasingly powerful and predatory establishment cabal, which seeks not just power, but full-spectrum dominion over the nation’s people, wealth and institutions. It has been rigged to be the exact opposite of an election: namely, a planned regime change that will then falsely be called after the fact an ‘election outcome,’ ‘popular mandate’ and ‘expression of the will of the people.’ It will deliver a multi-trillion dollar post-’election’ payday to the establishment insiders who have orchestrated it and nothing but ongoing misery for the people. This ‘election’ is a carefully crafted coup that will result in the progressive annihilation of American freedom and liberty, personal and financial, for all citizens except those within the Establishment’s reach.
The longstanding purpose of this election has been to impose upon the people a new national operating system that we have named ‘Crony Communism.’ (This theme is detailed in our previous article entitled: ‘Crony Communism: Hillary Clinton’s Game Plan for America.’ – LINK). To effect this regime change, a new psychological syndrome was engineered, using proven techniques that predictably alter the thinking patterns and decision making capabilities of susceptible individuals. Psychological engineering is not science fiction; it is real, powerful and now, and its direct effects are being exhibited today by tens of millions of voters throughout the country.
The economic implications of the coming regime change will be monumental – and the financial effects on individuals severe – if people do not take steps now to prepare and protect themselves. We will offer some suggestions in this regard in a follow-up article (Part 2). Our objective in this article is to give you a clear understanding of what is happening, at least as we see it.

This post was published at Investment Research Dynamics on October 24, 2016.