War Party On The Run – – -The Roots Of The Anti-Trump, Anti-Sanders Camps In Both Parties

I haven’t had this much fun in years – of course I’m taking about the US presidential election season, with The Donald taking on all comers, and winning (at least so far), and Berne Sanders burning up the self-satisfied mandarins of the Democratic party Establishment.
What’s great about this spectacle – and one must view it as a spectacle in order to gain maximum enjoyment from it – is that, as none other than Rush Limbaugh points out:
‘Trump is so far outside the formula that has been established for American politics that people who are inside the formula can’t comprehend it. They don’t understand why somebody would want to venture so far outside it, because it is what it is, and there’s a ladder of success that you have to climb. And somebody challenging it like this in more ways than one, as Trump is doing, has just got everybody experiencing every kind of emotion you can: They’re angry, they are flabbergasted, they’re shocked, they’re stunned – and all of it because he’s leading.’
As I explained here, and here, one of the ways Trump is upending the rules is that he’s broken with the GOP mandarins on foreign policy. Yes, yes, Iknow he bloviates about how he’s ‘the most militaristic person’ on God’s green earth, but the fact is there’s plenty of others out there who out-do him in that category. I’ve heard him say he wants to ‘bomb the s**t out of ISIS,’ but aren’t we doing that already – to little effect? When Bill O’Reilly asked him why he didn’t support putting ground troops in Syria, he answered ‘Do you want to run Syria?’ O’Reilly demurred. Trump puffs up his chest and announces he wants us to have ‘the strongest biggest baddest military on earth’ – but you’ll note he invariably adds: ‘So we’ll never have to use it.’

This post was published at David Stockmans Contra Corner by Justin Raimondo ‘ January 29, 2016.