Obama is Planting a Ticking Time Bomb in America for 2017

While most of America slumbers in its drunken swill of Republican versus Democrat political nonsense, sports of every sort, and the latest social distortions of reality designed to infuriate the average sane individual, the President of the United States has begun the final phase of his plan.
And it’s a doozy.
The first hints of this grand plan began to take shape when Obama committed what amounts to a suicide mission for United States Special Operations Forces in Syria working with suspect groups which could turn on our soldiers and enable them to become captives of radical Islamists whenever those groups found the timing profitable and advantageous to their cause. Next came the announcement of a massive release of Federal prisoners who were allegedly all non-violent offenders being held primarily on drug charges and the majority of which resided in the inner city. This flood of individuals back into cities like Chicago, New York, Baltimore, and Detroit which are already over-stressed due to crime and poverty will not help the situation as the calendar flips into 2016 with no hope, no jobs, and no future left for these perpetual losers.
2016 is the final year of Obama’s administration and instead of attempting to celebrate his ‘achievements’ the plan is obvious to all but the Fox News morons who think that we still live in a two party Kumbaya society where politics and business are still conducted at any sort of legal level. Obama’s only goal for 2016 is to line his pockets by using a network of foundations to extort contributions from crony capitalists desirous of avoiding the Wrath Of Valerie or any other despotic liberal residing in the White House looking for any perverse excuse to attack their company or personal fortune.
Thus one has to ask:

This post was published at John Galt Fla on December 1, 2015.