The World of Currency Manipulation

Why is the U. S. dollar so strong? Currency manipulation. Why did the Russian ruble recently crash to record lows? Currency manipulation. Why did India’s rupee crash to a record low, a year earlier? Currency manipulation. Why are the currencies of most Emerging Market nations trading at absurd discounts in relation to the currencies of the bankrupt economies of the West? Currency manipulation.
Currency manipulation is not a ‘conspiracy theory’. It goes beyond even conspiracy fact. It is a conspiracy conviction. The Big Banks of the West have been convicted of serially manipulating all of the world’s currencies. And when our blind/deaf/dumb officials were reluctantly forced to prosecute this crime syndicate (because their crimes were so large, and so blatant), they acknowledged that this serial manipulation goes back to at least 2007.
Indeed, it was immediately after the convictions of several of these Big Bank tentacles that the One Bank issued a new memo to its servants in the U. S. Department of ‘Justice’: no more prosecutions, ever. Naturally those corrupt lackeys immediately obliged, with a new, public directive. From now on, the DOJ intended to ‘combat corporate misconduct’ (by the Big Banks) by never again prosecuting corporations.
This is like a medical institute promising to ‘fight disease’, but refusing to kill any bacteria. It goes beyond the level of even an oxymoron. This is deliberate, systemic corruption. A ‘justice’ department which openly/publicly refuses to prosecute crime. Not just any crime. These are financial crimes, a thousand times larger than anything seen in our previous history, committed again and again and again.
Emphasizing this systemic corruption, of our entire System, we have the corrupt mouthpieces of Bloomberg immediately echoing (and approving of) the DOJ’s proclamation that it would never again prosecute the worst, corporate criminals in History.
The most amazing thing about the Justice Department’s new guidelines on prosecution of corporate crime is that the DOJ is effectively acknowledging there was a big problem with how it did things before.

This post was published at BullionBullsCanada on 04 November 2015.