Government – Designed for Robbery

Why I’m Looking Forward to the Next Big Crash
First, the Dow dropped 190 points on Monday – or 1%. It was threatening to close below 18,000 for the first time in almost three weeks. We’ll wait to find out. Yesterday, a London-based magazine and a TV station interviewed us. Both asked if we were ‘pessimistic.’
‘Of course not,’ we replied. ‘We expect today’s financial system to fall apart in a terrible crash and depression. But we’re looking forward to it.’
This was not exactly the answer they were looking for… And there’s not enough time in an interview to explain why this view makes any sense at all. The audience must have thought we had lost our mind.
We also had a meeting with our old friend and editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report Marc Faber yesterday. He helped make sense of our ‘pessimism.’
‘The system is corrupt,’ he said. ‘The government. The banks. The central banks. Big business.’
People always use their wealth and power to try to protect themselves. Sometimes they use it to take wealth and power away from others, too. That’s corruption.
Of course, that’s what government was designed for: to allow one group to rob another. If the elite could take no advantage from it, why would they bother with government at all?

This post was published at Acting-Man on May 28, 2015.