Obama Bribes US Companies to Break the Law – Offers $3,000 to Hire Illegals instead of Americans

Wow. President Obama and his Democrat cronies have done it again. They are once again showing the nation the incredible amount of disdain they have for the American people. This time, it’s the perfect storm of Obamacare, Amnesty and Unemployment…
The Democrats under Obama have created a perverse system of incentives that give companies 3,000 reasons to hire illegal aliens who have been amnestied instead ofunemployed American citizens…
Under the president’s new amnesty, businesses will have a $3,000-per-employee incentive to hire illegal immigrants over native-born workers because of a quirk of Obamacare.
President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.
Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage – making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.

This post was published at The Common Sense Show on Dec 3, 2014.