Monsanto Trickbag 101

Use a GMO contaminated bag of conventional seed, get sued for patent infringement. By the way, expect contamination.
It’s a setup, the game is rigged, the fix is in. Monsanto sues if its agents find the company’s patented gene in your crop, even if you never bought its genetically engineered (GMO) seeds. But does that mean diddley squat to Monsanto?
No. Here is a bit of logic, Monsanto style:
If the plant is found in your possession, then that means you have used the seed. If you have used the seed, then you have agreed to the technology use agreement, and owe Monsanto your crop, your seed and your profits. It doesn’t matter how the seed actually arrived in your possession.
Just ask Percy…

This post was published at FarmWars on August 31st, 2014.